Are you a teacher/trainer in the Lyric Opera field working in Czech Republic, France, Italy, or Netherlands?

Would you like to take part in a project which aims to expanding and improving the use of distance learning in the music teaching sector, and in the Opera in particular?

Would you like to travel the and take part in a week-long training course?

In the framework of the VirtualStage project, 30 teachers from Czech Republic, France, Italy, or Netherlands will participate in workshop (Joint Staff Training) taking place

in Lyon (FR) from 25 to 29 October 2021.


in Den Haag (NL) from 23 to 28 May 2022.

Please send us your Europass CV within the 25 of September 2021 using the mail,

and the subject (please copy and paste):

European Project VIRTUAL STAGE – Opera teachers/trainers call