Open Educational Resources are online!
Our website now presents an up-to-date database with descriptions and links to tutorials, videos, data and information that you can use to teach and learn music with digital technology and improve the digital readiness of your VET institution.
Please check the OER Resources page.
The OER database (Intellectual Output 4) will be continuously maintained and updated with more resources, even after the end of the Virtual Stage project.
Claudio Monteverdi, Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria, Florence 22 June 2022
An innovative production and site specific performance at the Chiostro Grande Santa Maria Novella. Part of the 33rd Florence Dance Festival.
The Virtual Stage methods and technologies have been used for artists’ training and rehearsals.
2021 11 18
The Orfeo CD – Facebook post by Marina Bonetti
Evviva! É uscito il CD de L’Orfeo nato dall’estro e dal lavoro di chi non si arrende di fronte ai cambiamenti, ma procede con entusiasmo inventando nuovi cammini ed assaporando nuove modalità, in questo caso il VIRTUAL STAGE. Il CD é stato registrato interamente in multitraccia (come nella musica pop), un’esperienza unica che non avrei mai immaginato di vivere, in particolare la possibilità di suonare alcune parti dell’opera come strumento d’ornamento, modalità poco adottata, ma assolutamente pertinente, poiché testimoniata dalle fonti, e poi quella di suonare alcune sezioni del Basso Continuo registrando due tracce, per ricreare la presenza di due “arpe doppie” ed arricchire cosi, come prescrive Monteverdi, quelle parti dell’opera che richiedono maggiore presenza strumentale. Grazie Federico Bardazzi per avermi offerto questa nuova esperienza 🙏 #Orfeo #monteverdi #arpadoppia #arpabarocca
[Hurray! The CD of “L’Orfeo” has been released. It was born from the inspiration and work of those who do not give up in the face of change, but proceed with enthusiasm, inventing new paths and savouring new methods, in this case the VIRTUAL STAGE. The CD was recorded entirely in multitrack (as in pop music), a unique experience that I would never have imagined to live, in particular the possibility of playing some parts of the opera as an ornamentation instrument, a modality not often adopted, but absolutely pertinent, since it is testified by the sources, and then that of playing some sections of the Basso Continuo recording two tracks, to recreate the presence of two “double harps” and thus enrich, as prescribed by Monteverdi, those parts of the opera that require a greater instrumental presence. Thank you Federico Bardazzi for offering me this new experience.]
Joint Staff Event – C1. Lyon, 25-29 October 2021
2nd Transnational Partner Meeting. Lyon, 30 October 2021
2021/10/25, LE PAYS
Saint-Jean-Saint-Maurice Un concert baroque 3.0 programmé mercredi 27 octobre
Click here to read the article
2021/10/14, ESME website, Interview
Virtual Stage, un projet européen pour la transition numérique de la musique classique
Kick Off Meeting Virtual Stage (online on Zoom)